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dennis duncan

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About dennis duncan

This is my training documentation (mobility, stability, flexibility, strength and speed) over sixteen months (May 2017 through August 2018) in preparation for the 2018 United States Senior Long Drive Championships. I'll be 65 this December and will be competing in the "Masters" division in 2018. I will have established workouts and goals as they relate to my ultimate long term goals. I'll post each goal and some of the effort that it takes to get there. I'm doing this for a few reasons. One is just improving my general health and my "average" golf game. Another is to compete at the highest level that I can. I went to the RE/MAX World Long Drive Championships in 2013 and competed in the Legends (60 - 64) division as a sixty year old rookie. I felt like I could have and should have done better, thus, this program. Feel free to leave questions and "constructive" comments as we take this journey and I'll answer them at least weekly. Wish me luck, good health, and great hitting.

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