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Darlene Russo

23 subscribers

About Darlene Russo

Occupation: Being, occasionally doing things.
Location: A little country called Florida

To know and be known by my ‘All in All’ God. To study His Word, in the original languages, and recognize His love, grace and wisdom. To glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.

Interests: YHWH God, mathematics, history, art, pretty much anything that makes my brain hurt or causes me to ask questions and then holds my interest long enough to search out the answer.

Favorite Books: The Bible, anything by Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, K. Gibran, Shakespeare…et al.

Below the link to my daughter’s celebration service in 2020 much fruit has come from this 🤲🏼🦋👇🏻May it ever be so to His glory forever and amen.

🤲🏼 Giants whom lifted mine eyes above this “Carnival” and used by God to school me, and more 😎 my thanks.

“There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Hal Lindsey
Chuck Missler
Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Derek Prince

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