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Moondyne .Joe

50 subscribers

About Moondyne .Joe

Hi All I Am Moondyne Joe
I am an eclectic person of many interests, but a bit of a Troglodyte and Luddite and, confusingly, also a Polymath using technology to satisfy my curiosity.

Some of my interests are,
Photography ,
Sci-Fi ,
The Environment,
All sorts of Wood and Metal working,
Ratrods & Rat Trucks,
Old Skills like :- Rammed Earth, Earth Bag, Homesteading, Food Preserving Etc
Animals :- Especially Cats,
Home Automation,
and so much More !

Anything that challenges the mind my interests are Wide, and Varied
so Keep Up if you can (: !

From time to time I will post stuff and please Remember this is for me if you like the stuff I share Fantastic I hope you enjoy and like me learn something new every day
and Follow along on my Seeking of Knowledge & Journey of Discovery

Moondyne Joe ( Aka TONY )

if you want to send me something
my Address is

Tony Lush
12 Arthur St,
Western Australia

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