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Tony Ott

0 subscribers

About Tony Ott

Your (hopefully) favorite brown and blue wolf is here! Yes I'm talking about Grace the water bender. :3

Credits- none

Banner- me

Pfp- me

People who made me pfps- Discoball, Mintshade, and Malachiii

I can make people memes and gifts I would really love too because I am bored. I can't post sorry guys but when I can they are first releases.


• Post memes
• FlipaClip tutorials
• Livestream editing
• Make/join a MAP
• Make at least 5 people a gift

My apps

Animating: FlipaClip
Editing: ibispaintX
Games: Wildcraft, The Wolf, Minecraft

Wildcraft info

Name: GraceTheWolfyYT
Rank: Grand Master
Region: USA east
Maps: Australia, plains, maps with event, den party.

Now since I am Therian, here's my theriotypes

Red wolf
Arctic fox
Questioning black panther, border collie, and deer.

Quit subscribing thank you :3

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