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Paydirt Getaway

2,150 subscribers

About Paydirt Getaway

People these days forgot about all the simple things in life, Everything is so hectic in everyone's lives nobody has a peace of mind.

I'm going to play in some dirt to relax the mind a little and feel at ease.

But not just any dirt though, Pay Dirt!!

My goal is to invest in rich pay dirt that has gold in it and collect at least 2 ounces of gold flakes, pickers and nuggets. As well as half a ounce of gold bars that I will buy monthly to add to this fun investment.

I will buy pay dirt from eBay, Amazon, and other gold mining websites to achieve my goal.

I will have reviews and weigh in and how much I've spent throughout the year to keep track for fun.

I don't live by any gold sites or know of any so i will be doing all of this at home with my family.

I've never panned gold before so prepare yourselves for some goofy and fun videos.

Come join with me on my dirt adventure and come watch me fail at prospecting gold. xD

Lets get this GOLD!!!

Email me

[email protected]

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