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Nerd On Pointé

33 購読者を
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Nerd On Pointéの説明

Hello! You can call me Maggie, marge, migge ( that’s what my friends call me) or any other appropriate name! Yes I am young and my channel is small, but that absolutely does NOT stop me from posting. I am a competitive ballet dancer and I have been dancing ballet for almost 8 years! And that’s a lot for my age. I know lots of you will see my videos as cringe, but I do not tolerate bullying or rude remarks on my page. I am a family friendly channel! Yes I do not have a professional editor, yes my camera quality sucks, but that 👏does 👏not👏 matter! It should be the quality of your entertainment, not your camera! Anyways, my name is Maggie and you can catch me, in my next video. ❤️

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