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About Sr_barrel_racing

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Hi! My name's Skylar and here's some stuff to get to know about my ponies!

Blaze: my favorite pony, has won me 13 ribbons, a belt buckle, and a trophy etc, barrel pony, 9yo, Sorrel, prob 13hh or taller, smart, adorable, not that fast, works hard. Used to be a rodeo/playday pony but is now a lesson, flatwork pony. My first heart horse, buddysour, green, Welsh pony, backup horse, heart horse

Blizzard: I ride her the most, been to 1 rodeo and 5 playdays currently a barrel pony + 5 more events, 7yo, flea-bitten gray, 15.3hh, confident, strong, fast, works hard, Is used for rodeoing, flatwork, playdaying, is my second heart horse

Charming: a sweet little foal, the mama is blizzard, not in training yet but will be soon!, less than a month old, black, no idea how tall, adorable obviously!, new horse :)

Warrior: rip💞

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