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Albert Moyer Jr

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Albert Moyer Jrの説明

Thank you for checking out my drumming channel. As the years have passed, I have morphed this channel towards drumming. It has become a collection of my jam sessions playing cover songs. Some songs I hit right on the mark, and others I sometimes miss a spot. When you miss a beat on YouTube people can be harsh, I have learned, but my channel is not about perfection. I sit down to play my drums for enjoyment after listening to songs, rarely rehearsing, and then attempt to play back what I have heard, or even create my own parts to the songs. Drummers have come along and said, "You need more camera angles, better microphones, flashing lights, etc." I say, "Why?" They say, "To make a better channel." Then on the other side I hear from people stating, "I am glad you have a channel with no click bait, extensive talking, and just straight up jamming." I tend to side with them because that is what I am doing. Straight up jamming! Grooving! Feeling good.

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