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Mark Lawrence

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About Mark Lawrence

This channel exposes the New World Order and government plans to introduce a cashless surveillance state with each person tracked and traced using digital ID, under the guise of health care. The next pandemic is already planned and under way, and is expected to be with us around 2025. When it arrives The World Health Organisation will make restrictions experienced during COVID seem relaxed compared to what they will enforce to contain the next hoax. They want each person to have a digital ID, a QR code, this is planned and can be seen in their new contract with digital ID companies.
The Bible book of Revelation talks of a marking system where each person will receive a mark in their right hand or forehead, if anyone refuses this they will not be able to buy or sell, they will be cut out of society. This is on the way very soon, so stay awake and don't comply to any government orders in future. NEVER BACK DOWN!

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