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Mariola Michelle Rodriguez

1,640 subscribers

About Mariola Michelle Rodriguez

Hey guys!

Welcome to my channel! I'll be uploading biweekly (& sometimes weekly) different types of content.

A lot has changed from where I was when I started this channel. You'll find the "Eat and Recreate" series where I vlogged a day at Disney, ate a meal, & then recreated an item at home. As you will learn, I'm nowhere near a chef & will make mistakes, so if I can do it at home then you can as well! Mid 2020 my husband & I moved to Puerto Rico, where I'm from, & we've vlogged our moving experience, our wedding planning, cool Puerto Rico adventures & my experience in law school during the COVID19 pandemic.

This channel is a little bit of everything, as I continue to cook interesting food, plan our wedding, experience law school, & travel our new home Puerto Rico, our old home Orlando, & hopefully many more places soon!

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